We all have that one person, a neighbour, family member or friend, who has a spare key to our home. We trust this person enough to keep an eye on our home while we’re away.
Community Key’s goal is more than just to help families with a critically-injured or terminally-ill child make their rent or mortgage payments. Our goal is to be that person who a family trusts enough to take care of them when they’re away at the hospital, doing the most important thing a parent can do—take care of their child.
While Community Key may have started with the Quantus Mortgage Solutions team, it didn’t take long for the initiative to spread. Soon after launching in 2015, family nominations started coming in from the major children’s hospitals across Western Canada, social workers, Ronald McDonald House and other non-profits. Within the mortgage industry, other brokerages have referred families. Today, Community Key has been able to help over 50 families and give over $100,000 away in rent and mortgage payments!
“I am thrilled that this program exists.” Jania T., Social Worker
Community Key stepped in to fill a crucial void. Without any similar type of support in Canada, our donations have an immediate impact. These families no longer had to make the choice to stay at their children’s bedsides or go to work. We look after their biggest household expense while they take care of their child. Many of the social workers who refer families have shared their gratitude for Community Key.
“This is a great and much-needed charity in the community!” Ashley C., Case Worker
“This is wonderful news and so helpful for the family. Your organization is so awesome!” Rachel V., Social Worker
“Thank you so much for the wonderful news and for supporting this family, we really appreciate it!” Bridget S., Social Worker
“Fantastic!!! We are so grateful for this support through Community Key! Thank you!” Megan B., Social Worker
2019 was a highlight year for Community Key. Over 35 families were helped with their housing payments, over double the amount of families the charity was able to assist in 2018!
This funding was collected through hosting fundraising events and through another avenue very unique to the mortgage industry. From day one, a small portion of each Quantus-funded mortgage is donated to the non-profit. When Paul Bojakli, Quantus co-owner and catalyst for Community Key, brought this idea to the team, the brokers stepped up without question.
“Being recognized is amazing and we're grateful,” says Paul. “And the team deserves every bit of this, but we just do it because it's who we are and what we do.”
Nearly all funds raised go directly to families as the charity is 100% volunteer-based. While many of the members are Quantus brokers, the Community Key Board of Directors has expanded, bringing in experience from the healthcare and legal industries.
Over the last five years, Community Key has found that many families who are new to Canada don’t have someone to give their spare key to. Without the support of their family and friends, it makes caring for their sick or injured child even more difficult. Community Key has become that trusted person to look after their home while their child is in the hospital. While we can help with making payments, we’ve always found other ways to make the financial burden easier.
Using our knowledge and connection within the mortgage industry, we work with the mortgage lenders to take advantage of available programs to delay or minimize a family’s mortgage payments during their time of need. This is absolutely essential for families new to Canada who don’t know what’s available to them.
But, the most important aspect of Community Key isn’t about cheques or mortgage advice. It’s about meeting the families. We take the time to deliver a cheque to each family, whether it be at their home or in the hospital and these families are nothing short than amazing. They're going through really trying times emotionally and financially. But these children, who are so profoundly positive despite the situation they’re in, remind us to live in the moment, to really be grateful for our health and our family.

Alongside the cheque, each family we visit receives a key from a local artist. Many of the kids are excited about this cool-looking key but for the parents, it means another day they will be able to unlock the door to their home; another day they will be able to spend with their family in comfort and safety. We could not be more humbled and honoured to deliver this key and help these families during their most vulnerable time.
“Thank you, thank you so much...it such a big help for us especially right now that we are catching up on our bills and everything. Me and my family are so thankful and blessed, besides of what we’ve been through.” The Jardeleza Family
"The support we have received from Community Key was amazing," says Alisha. "It helped take some stress of having to worry about a rent payment means more then you know." The Thorson Family
To mark our fifth anniversary, Community Key is planning an Anniversary Gala and Silent Auction. While the event has been rescheduled because of COVID-19, we’re excited to host a spectacular evening with a silent auction, casino tables, dancing, and more. The funds raised from this event will come at a critical time as a post-COVID-19 world reopens and families are again faced with the impossible decision of going to work or caring for their child.
We’re incredibly honoured to be nominated as a finalist for the Community Service award. We only want to grow and we hope that with this national recognition, we will be able to expand across all of Canada and turn Community Key into a household name. After all, what other non-profit would you trust to look after your home?