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Helping the Dempster Family

When Rachel Dempster completed her first anatomy scan around 20 weeks of pregnancy, the family learned of their daughter, Amadea's, unique condition.

It began with the ultrasound tech sharing that they were unable to get clear images of Amadea’s head. But after rebooking with another medical imaging site, the Dempster family was told what no parent wants to hear—Amadea was unlikely to survive birth.

The family felt devastated by the news, but they shared that they found peace in religion and had faith that Amadea would be alright.

Amadea was born with an unusually shaped skull and brain, as well as an unstructured nose. It is unknown if anyone in the world shares her condition. 

Through their interview with CBC, Amadea’s parents Rachel and Braeden shared how Amadea battled through respiratory syncytial virus and pneumonia, inspiring them with her incredible strength and resilience. 

In their blog, Dempster’s Life, Amadea’s father, Braeden, discusses the challenges his family faced through this difficult time. When fighting a respiratory virus in October 2023, Amadea required constant care and monitoring, limiting Braeden’s time at work. 

However, they are grateful for the equipment available in their house for such a situation. It allowed Amadea to recover at home with her older sister, Adeline. 

In the last two years, Amadea has battled various illnesses and infections at the Stollery Children's Hospital.

We were able to help support the Dempster family with their housing payment, alleviating some of the family’s stress during Amadea’s time at Stollery.

“Thank you so much for choosing our family. It is a huge help to us and it means so much to us.”

Braeden Dempster

As of the Dempster family’s most recent update on April 19, Amadea faced a skin infection that led to septic shock. Ever strong, Amadea recovered and the family was able to return home once again. 

Amadea and the Dempster family’s strength and faith have inspired us and no doubt, many others. 

Stay up to date with the family on their blog, where they also have links to directly support Amadea. 


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