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The Jaguri Family

This is our favourite moment. Over the Easter weekend, we visited the Jaguri family with a key. It doesn't open anything new, but it keeps the front door open to their home.

Rashmi and Vineeta both worked in Fort McMurray before their children, five-year-old Rayansh (Ray) and three-year-old Vania, were born. Vineeta stayed home after Ray was born as he began to experience heart complications. At eight months old, Ray had a heart transplant.

But that didn't stop Ray from finding his love of water and playing with technology. Since he was two-years-old, Ray has been a techy-whiz on phones and tablets. When Vineeta was pregnant with Vania, Ray was diagnosed with autism. He currently works with a therapist three times a week to improve his communication skills.

But last spring Rashmi and Vineeta heard the words no parents want to hear when they took Ray to the hospital for a bloated stomach; Ray had lymphoma. Since his diagnosis, he's had two surgeries followed by chemotherapy treatments. Thankfully, he has been in remission since late 2018 but his heart and immune system have been compromised due to the chemo treatments. He and his family visit the hospital every two weeks for bloodwork and make their way to Edmonton once a year for heart assessments.

When the oil and gas downturn hit Fort McMurray, Rashmi's work schedule was cut. He's currently on call as a cook for a camp in the area but it is inconsistent with only one week assignments at a time. Vineeta is completing her massage therapy certification which will allow her to work in Calgary and Rashmi's mother is visiting from India to help care for the kids.

Through all their ups and downs, we are so humbled by the Jaguri's positivity and dedication to paying-it-forward. They were very grateful for the donation from Community Key and they hope that they will be able to donate in the future to help other families. Thank you to all that made this happen and for Cheryl Morrier - Mortgage Specialist for taking the time to meet Ray and his family over the weekend.


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