Another great story from over the holidays as Jacqueline Jeffries, Mortgage Broker stopped by the Stollery Children's Hospital Foundation to present a gift to Brooklyn and her grandfather.

Brooklyn is five years old and suffers from gastrointestinal issues since birth. She has been in and out of the hospital most of her life and has been staying there since April 2018. Brooklyn is being raised by her grandfather. Her grandfather has been out of work for years after an accident.
"I was fortunate to 'Key' another family today with three months mortgage payments at the Stollery Hospital in Edmonton," says Jacqueline.
Brooklyn is a sweetheart! From the moment we walked in, she greeted us and insisted we sit on her bed and she opened her gift. She is quite affectionate and well liked by all the nurses, even helping them change her tubes while we were there.
"Brooklyn took us for a stroll around the hospital and greeted many support workers there. She is a beautiful young girl and I am truly blessed to have met them."
- Jacqueline Jeffries