If this past year has taught us anything, it is that taking care of ourselves and our families is Number 1—however difficult that is to do.

For parents Lauren Gilley and Salim Rana, taking care of their daughter, 22-month-old Ruby, has been a journey of ups and downs. Laid off from her job due to COVID-19, Lauren was set to return to work in the Fall when Ruby was diagnosed in September with Stage 4 Hepatoblastoma (pediatric liver cancer).
While difficult to take off work, Both Lauren and Salim decided to stay by Ruby’s side during her treatment. Salim took a leave of absence from his position as a teacher and Lauren put her job search on hold while Ruby went through a round of chemotherapy treatment every three weeks.
Ruby is currently in remission with only two chemotherapy treatments left to go, she’s been incredibly tough, already going through seven rounds of chemo to get to today.
We were honoured to help the Rana family with their housing payment as they look forward to completing Ruby’s treatment.
“Once safe to do so we would absolutely love to meet you in person outdoors to provide an update. We are in the home stretch of Ruby's treatment and really looking forward to summer.”'
- Lauren Gilley
